27 lots in total, spread across the rural and urban areas. Storytelling pictures to guide you through the neighborhood’s storyline. 6 premade households with interesting sims. Intense storyline with family rivalry similar to Veronaville. “But what are the matriarchs hiding since teenagehood? What type of catastrophe could have turned the friendly relationship between both families into a horrible hostility? Was it a scandal involving both of them? Minerva and Pandora both hope to take this secret to their grave, but will it ever be revealed?” Will the two most powerful families in town continue to coexist, or will they end up shattering each other to pieces? And how will the old-money families react to the new mysterious neighbors, the Bellamiras?” A long bridge cuts Hillnora Falls in two, and is the only thing that separates the Delacruz family from the Pagonis family. That is, before the recent Downtown area was built, away from the rural side of the town. “Settled far away from SimCity, Hillnora Falls was founded a long time ago and has since been home to wealthy families that prefer a more quiet lifestyle.