Being able to capture enemy units and turn them into workers goes great with the ability to rush districts with workers.The Eagle Warriors are one of the best starting units in the game, making the Aztecs a fast-paced game from turn 1.Call me megalomaniacal, but that sounds like a pretty fun game to me. The fierce and feared Eagle Warriors can use their maquahuitl to capture defeated enemies allowing you to play a fast-paced early domination game to conquer your neighbors and sacrifice your captives to the gods for the glory of the Aztec Empire. Truly the Zerg of the game, it's always fun to spam-rush with the Aztecs.Īnother crowd favorite, the Aztecs ferociously enter the fray with their powerful combat bonuses. Who doesn’t like to watch the mighty Spartan hoplites? You don’t need 300 of these badass units to crush your rivals.Having an extra wildcard policy slot is always great for flexibility in playstyle.Hoplites are strong in groups and gain culture for every kill- a slightly more entertaining prospect than art collecting.You are, however, expected to come back with your shield.or on it. With extra policy cards, bonus culture for every kill and a powerful army of Hoplites at her disposal, Gorgo of Sparta proves to be one of the more fun domination civs in the game. If you’ve ever watched 300, It’s hard not to imagine yourself as a Spartan warrior slaughtering wave after wave of lightly-armored hoplon fodder (minus the spray-on abs). Known for her wisdom and political savvy, Gorgo leads Sparta. I asked the civ communities who they have the most fun playing as, and some of the answers might surprise you. But as a video-game shouldn’t the objective also be to have fun? While there are those who play exclusively on Deity, the rest of us mere mortals might move that difficulty down a smidge.unless that’s your idea of good time. planting flowers? Which civ do you find the most fun?Ĭivilization has one objective: to win.